Sunday, January 30, 2011

How to configure Netgear Wireless N150 model WGR614 wireless router

This setup is for a Netgear Wireless N150 model WGR614 in conjunction with a D-Link DSL 502T on a MTNL ‘Triband’ ADSL broadband connection.

Before you install your wireless router, make sure that the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Property settings on your computer are set to “Obtain an IP address automatically using DHCP and for DNS settings "Use the following DNS server address' where you can enter the DNS address of your choice. You can check these settings by looking at the TCP/IP Properties of your Internal Network Connections, which are accessible through the Control Panel of your computer.To connect the wireless router, the computer, and the modem:

1. Turn off your computer.

2. Turn off and unplug the broadband modem.

3. Locate the cable (A) that connects your computer to the modem.
4. Disconnect the cable at the modem end only (B). You will connect it to the router later.

5. Locate the Ethernet cable that came with your NETGEAR product. insert one end of this Internet cable (See below) into your modem (C) and the other end into the Internet port of the wireless router (D). (The cable and the Internet port label are color coded.)

6. Locate the cable (A) that is still attached to your computer (see below). Insert that cable into any one port (1-4) on the router, such as port 4 (E), as shown in figure below.

7. Connect any additional wired computer to your router by inserting an Ethernet cable from one of these computers into one of the three remaining LAN ports.
8. Review that your network is now set up (as seen below); you are ready to start your network.

9. Start your network in the correct sequence, as mentioned below.

So much for the hardware connections. Power up the Netgear WiFi router & desktop computer. Now lets get to the basic configuration of the Netgear wireless router.

This is how I have done it successfully so you can too.
Open IE6/IE7 or Firefox browser and type, a window will pop up & ask for username & password. Default username is ‘admin’ & default password is ‘password ‘ both in lowercase letters. (For security reasons, the router has its own user name and password.) next you will come to the screen as seen below. The password can be changed later.

As I mentioned above the first thing we have to do is to change the IP of the wifi router as it clashes with that of the ADSL modem. For that click on the ‘LAN Setup’ on the right side tab to come to the pic seen below.

Enter a device name of your choice
IP Address:
Subnet mask:
Next two entries are left as it is
Select check box ‘Use router as DHCP server’
Starting IP Address:
Ending IP address: (you can specify a number upto 255 but I would suggest limit this number to what ever number of device you envisage will connect to your WiFi (I normally use 5-10).

Click on ‘Apply

At this point you will loose contact with the wireless router through the browser. Double click on the computer icon in your task bar & go to the ‘Support’ tab and see the IP taken automatically by the machine will most probably be Now type in the browser location bar to gain access on the configuration page of the router.
Click on ‘Setup Wizard’ in the right side tab to get the following.

Click on ‘Yes’ & then on ‘Next’ to arrive at the pic shown below

Click on ‘Yes

Now switch on the D-Link 502T and after the lights become steady, on the desktop click on ‘Start’ button -> ‘Run’ & type ping If you get timed out’ message, then there is some error, so go over all points above to see if you have missed anything. If you see a reply like the pic below all is well. You could also open another tab & try to browse the net.

You should be able to access the Internet on your desktop. Hurray So far so good, remember that your network is still unsecured and we still have to configure the security settings etc.

Security Settings

After that click on ‘Wireless Settings’ in the right side tab to arrive at the pic seen below

Give your network a name, the network name is also called SSID next

Region: Asia
Channel: 11
Mode: upto 150Mbps (there are three modes ‘upto 54 Mbps’ ie ‘g’, ‘upto 75 Mbps’ ie ‘b’ or ‘g’, ‘upto 150Mbps’ ie ‘n’).


Security Options: WPA2 PSK (AES) currently considered the best, below that enter the
Passphrase: (I enter a 63 character password)
Click on ‘Apply

See for password generation.

You can now turn to your wireless PC or laptop to connect it to the wireless network. Here I am assuming your laptop has a built in WiFi card, if you are using an adaptor then follow the instructions of the adaptor maker. XP has a very user-friendly wireless networking utility. If you’re setting up a network for the first time, use the Windows Wireless Network Setup Wizard, in the Control Panel. This copies configuration info to a USB flash drive that you can insert into each additional PC or device. If you use Vista/Win 7 (like me) it’s just as easy going thru the Control Panel for first time users. After you have gone thru the setup wizard and it has recognized the network with the name you had previously given it, enter the password where asked (When you use a password 63 or 64 characters long copy paste it in your WiFi router then save the password in ‘Notepad’, then transfer this password to a pendrive & paste it in your laptops.) now you should be able to access the Internet. So far so good but not quite good enough. We now have to set up the MAC filters.
In the right side tab go to ‘Advanced’->’Wireless Settings’

Enable ‘Wireless Router Radio’ & ‘Enable SSID Brooadcast’ & ‘Keep Existing Wireless Settings'’ Then click on the button ‘Set up Access List’ to get the pic seen below.

Click on ‘Turn Access Control On’.

Here you will see the gadgets that are connected to your WiFI network..

Click on ‘Add’ & enter the name & MAC address of the device.
Select the relevant radio buttons.
Click on ‘Apply
PS Remember that now to access the router thru the browser the address is and NOT the one you will find in the user guides ( And to access the D-Link 502T thru browser you type Happy surfing.

To find the MAC address of your computer go to for your Samsung Wave GT-S8500. see below

Open menu in you Samsung Wave

Then open “Settings”.

Scroll down to open “About Phone"

Once you open “About Phone”, go to “System Info"

then open “System Info” & in tab named “Device” you will get the MAC address .

A few useful sites are mentioned below.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for putting this together as its a great help for us non tech guys, who otherwise would be totally at sea. I bought a Samsung Wave II & wanted to have WiFi at home. Since I saw this blog I went ahead & bought the router & did the installation which otherwise I would have to pay a lot for. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Good one. Its been a great help for me.

Anonymous said...

Bought this model today & got it running only thanks to your tutorial as I am not tech savvy

Rahul Parekh said...

I'm going to buy this router soon, so was looking for a detailed tutorial for setting it up. This one seems perfect. Thanks for a great tutorial :)

Anonymous said...

Very good! I think that you have done a great job! FANTASTIC!!!!
It really new thing that I saw in ur website..It so good …………………
Configure Internet Connection

Anonymous said...

buddy i need ur help for setting up n150 for cable connection

socrates said...

You have not mentioned which ISP you are using or
Do you use static IP? If yes do you have your static IP? It should be available on your PC
Does your ISP allow concurrent logins?
Does your ISP use a dialer or a web based login or is it a always on connection?

Usually it should be straight forward unless your ISP
Setting up the Router.
1. You need to go to the router config page. Point your browser to or
2. Default ID/Pass is admin, password. However it depends upon your model. Just look-over the back of the Device or try to google with the Model Number.
3. Once you are in the Admin Page, Click on Basic Settings.
4. Once you are in this page,
*Select No for Internet Connection Login
* Click on Use Static IP Address.
* Enter your ISP Broadband IP address and Gateway.
* Once done, Scroll down click on Use These DNS Servers and enter your ISP DNS Servers there. (Else you can use any free DNS servers here, mentioned elsewhere in this blog)
* Go to Start -> CMD. Type ipconfig/all. Make a note of your Adapters MAC Address. Select the Use this MAC Address option in the Router Admin Page. Enter the MAC Address that you have noted in the Command Prompt. It’s recommended to do this step properly to avoid MAC related issues.
Now secure your wifi with WPA2 security & a long password (mentioned elsewhere in this blog) & also use MAC filtering.
Hope this helps.

Angi said...


shabarish92 said...

hey dude plzzz help me out.. i hav bought a netgear n150 ADSL2+ router and i think i have wasted money on it... it doesnt connect to the net keeps on loosing connections regularly.... do u have any solution for this... IM USING MTNL BROADBAND... PLZZ REPLY ON MY MAIL ID .....

socrates said...

You have not specified what exactly has gone wrong except that it does not connect. Posting the line stats would have been useful. If you are sure that your setup is correct then goto point 2 & 3 but remember that for point 2 & 3 you will have to call MTNL as it probably means you have a line problem.
1) In that case I suggest you reset the router & redo the settings again as an error in the setting up could be one reason why its not connecting to your network.
2) Also have you followed the precautions specified by MTNL about parallel lines?
3) How is your connection when the wifi router is not connected? Do you still have Disconnections?

shabarish92 said...

Now again it disconnected .. this time the logs are like this :

[Internet connected] IP address
Mon, 2012-08-20 05:53:31 - Upnp set event: redirecting port from 57377 to protocol UDP for: Teredo
Mon, 2012-08-20 05:53:31 - UPnP set event:AddPortMapping from source
Mon, 2012-08-20 05:54:11 - UPnP set event:AddPortMapping from source
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:04:12 - UPnP set event:AddPortMapping from source
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:11:08 - UPnP set event:AddPortMapping from source
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:11:08 - LCP down - User request .
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:11:09 - UPnP set event:AddPortMapping from source
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:11:11 - [Internet disconnected]
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:11:11 - UPnP set event:AddPortMapping from source
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:11:15 - UPnP set event:AddPortMapping from source
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:12:12 - UPnP set event: removing redirect rule port, port:57377 protocol:UDP
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:12:12 - UPnP set event:DeletePortMapping from source
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:12:18 - [Internet disconnected]
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:12:20 - Initialize LCP.
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:12:25 - LCP is allowed to come up.
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:12:28 - PAP authentication success
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:12:28 - UPnP set event: removing redirect rule port, port:4096 protocol:
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:12:28 - [Internet connected] IP address
Mon, 2012-08-20 06:12:28 - Administrator login successful - IP:

Unknown said...

Hi Socrates!
I came to know ur blog while im searching for "info on connecting Airtel & Beam ISPs into a load balancing router" in link

Can u provide me the info on what im looking for? Thanks in advance.

I'll really feel great to call n speak if u can mail me ur no. or atleast if u share ur mail id!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
socrates said...

Sorry buddy all my post are with reference to ADSL technology (mentioned in my posts) I am not familiar with Beam.

Unknown said...

Hey buddy, anyway, thanks for the reply !!
But u really kept a lot of info on ur blog, which really helps a lot of people,like me, who are amateurs in these things & educating people thru forums also.
I can say this is also a type of social service! Keep it doing!! Hav a lot of fun :)

Unknown said...

Hey buddy, anyway, thanks for the reply !!
But u really kept a lot of info on ur blog, which really helps a lot of people,like me, who are amateurs in these things & educating people thru forums also.
I can say this is also a type of social service! Keep it doing!! Hav a lot of fun :)

mayank said...


socrates said...

You will have to get the info from your service provider about the technology that is being used in your connection. What I have shown here is for ADSL tech, if its cable internet I am afraid that I have no experience in that tech.

Netgear Router Support said...

The infromation given in the article is really benificial. I have bookmarked it so that I could use it in future. Thanks a lot for such a fruitful article

Visit my site- Netgear Router Support

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for your guidance for the router configuration for static ip connection.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog... set up was a breeze

Anonymous said...

thanks for the post.
spent lot of time for configuring my modem and router.

your post was very helpful.
most important was the order of startup of devices.

Good work.

Anonymous said...

how i can connect netgear router with my mtnl adsl2+ modem. it is a usb modem with only 2 ports one for
phone line and other for usb cable for connecting to pc

Unknown said...

Will this tutorial work for siti digital broadband?? Please reply fast. If it doesnot work, I won't subscribe to siti broadband

Anonymous said...

pls help me to configure N150 Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router DGN1000SN with my MNTL Delhi connection... thx a lot

socrates said...

You unit is a ADSL modem cum wifi router so the setup is different. Check out & download the ‘Installation Guide’ & ‘User Manual’. Follow the instructions given there keeping in mind the following point
1) Does Your ISP Require a Login? - Yea
2) Encapsulation: PPPoE/PPPoA
3) Login. ‘You Tel Number
4) Password. Your CA number (On your Bill)
5) IP Address: Get Dynamically from ISP
6) DNS: Get Automatically from ISP
7) NAT. Enabled
8) Firewall. Enabled

DSL Settings
VPI is 0
VCI is 32
Multiplexing Method is LLC based
This is what you require for setting up the modem for the wifi part refer blog above

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot for you help, I will try and let you .. rgds

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing a wonderful info about netgear services. Now i know how to do it and i will also troubleshot is for people.

netgear router login

Amitabh said...


Thanks for nice step by step instructions. I am wondering if you could help me out. I am trying to connect Netgear WGR-614 v5 router to MTNL D-Link GLB-502T router/modem but having no success. After I physically connect everything and power up in the correct sequence, Netgear router starts set up. However as it start set up it just goes times out and does not go anywhere from here. It says it is trying to detect my internet… and nothing happens and goes time out. Just few times, after detecting internet connection, it goes to next page and say it I have static internet address and I should enter IP, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS etc. I have spoken to MTNL help line few times and confirmed the correct IP, subnet mask etc… to make sure I am not making mistake there.
FYI… I am using IP= (other times I also tried, Subnet mask =, Default gateway, DNS (other times I also tried, alternate DNS=
The way I stand here is I am unable to use wifi as it is not able to set up. Any ideas ?

socrates said...

Does your modem connect to the Internet when it’s connected directly to the computer? If so then the problem could be in your wifi router settings. If the modem does not connect to the net then see: the settings page may look different but the fundas are the same. If from the above you conclude its the wifi router then I suggest reset it & start all over again as its possible there is something in the settings that is causing the problem. (see above). For DNS I use the first two in the modem
For the IP in the wifi router read the above blog again I use Change the IP as mentioned above & you should have no problems. There are reason s why I have used the above ip & not what you are trying but that is a long story I don’t want to go into the details here.
For the DNS entries in the computer you can use
Google DNS
Comodo DNS

I prefer Open DNS

ashutoshgupta1988 said...

Hello, I have bought the same modem router of Netgear and found that the LAN cable provided to me by the Vendor (Tikona Broadband) does not fits into the incoming port. The technical person says only DSL modem can be used not ADSL! I'm totaly a non tech person n I think I wasted money buy buying this piece of good for nothing modem on flipkart.

socrates said...

It’s sad that you went out & bought equipment before checking whether it’s the correct piece. You should have checked with your service provider on what is required, read info on different forums, checked with others who use the services of the same service provider. My blog clearly states with which other equipment this unit it’s configured with AND for MTNL Triband. It’s true you have wasted your money but that is not the fault of the unit you have bought or the online store. All I can say is try to sell what you have bought to somebody who has a need for it & buy the correct unit. I can’t help you as I don’t use your ISP.

Anonymous said...

Being non techie, you sure did a dumb thing before checking what is required. Don’t blame others it’s your own fault & take responsibility for it. Browse on the net for info you need, it all there for people who want & search for it :D Sounds harsh but its facts only

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Iam having Netgear WNR612 wifi router and MTNL 410TC1 modem.I tried the above procedure by connecting the lan from computer to wifi and then restarting the system and then tried to connect to but it does not accept the default usrname:admin and password:password for the wifi router instead it accepts mtnl username:admin and password:admin and open's up MTNL router setting page.I tried all the combination i.e i started mtnl modem and wifi after restarting the system and then tried connecting.
Then I restarted the system and just kept my wifi on while modem off and then tried connecting but still the page does not opens up.
Where am I going wrong

socrates said...

The first line itself is v specific ‘This setup is for a Netgear Wireless N150 model WGR614 in conjunction with a D-Link DSL 502T on a MTNL ‘Triband’ ADSL broadband connection.’
The reason for your problem is that both the units must be using the same IP hence like in the blog above I have changed the IP of the wifi unit to

Anonymous said...

how about a netgear n150 wireless router wnr1000v3?

Unknown said...

Kindly write the procedure for configuration Netgear Wireless-N 150 Router (WNR612) for Tikona, Delhi

socrates said...

Sorry friend, I have no idea about Tikona settings

Anonymous said...

Your guide helped me to connect my samsung galaxy3 (modified and no serialn no) to netgear wgr614 in my home. I have mtln ips and bridge mode connection was difficult to make . But with this guide I was able to setup wifi router and now its working well .. thanks ..

Geet said...

Thanks a lot. Helped me secure my wifi network..

Unknown said...

Hi Buddy. Would be really great if you could help me with an issue that I am facing.

I am using a Netgear N150 which has been recently bought and am facing a lot of connectivity issues. It streams videos like butter, but when it comes to things like FB newsfeed, loading of web pages, etc, its very very slow (specially on my phone/tab)!! My earlier modem was far far better than this. How do i Solve this?!

socrates said...

@Jigar: Which make/model was your earlier modem. Check your MTU on your modem if your ISP is MTNL then make it 1492, the default is 1500. If that does not help you will have to experiment with the DNS. I use Open DNS setting

mallikarjun said...

Thanks alot very useful,

Anonymous said...

Can not configure my router. When used ip or any other always the set up of my D-link dsl modem appears.

socrates said...

That is because you have not read my blog carefully.See point
'9. Start your network in the correct sequence, as mentioned below.'
and follow the steps given after that.

Unknown said...

how to connect two routers ? I am receiving all the post and IP, default subnetmas but internet is not running in secondary router !

socrates said...

@Mr X Sorry my blogs pertains only to connect an ADSL modem to the internet &/or connect to a WiFi network. I have not gone into using/connecting 2 routers or access point to wifi router yet but I am sure there are others who have put up that info on the internet

Vijay said...

Thanks u so much dear for your valuable support...highly appreciated!

Anonymous said...

@Vijay Don't you think using the term 'dear' is not appropriate as you are not talking with a close friend nor are you sure that the person you are talking to is younger to you.

socrates said...

Sorry. This write up is for ‘N150 model WGR614 wireless router‘ not for the model you mentioned. But something are common for all units. There will be a hardware reset button in unit which you keep press for about 5-7 secs, also there should be an option for the same in the Settings maybe under Management

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