How to Program and Use Airtel
Digital TV Universal Remotes with your TV Set?
Recently I got rid of
my Samsung Plano tv after many years of meritorious service & opted for a
LG full HD LCD tv. After installation I found that certain buttons like the
on/off, mute, volume were not working on the Airtel universal remote. Going
thru the user guide from Airtel was not much use either and had to call the
Airtel service engineer to pair the two remotes.
When I asked the
service engineer to show me how its done he pompously said ‘Uncle even if I show it to you it will be of no use as you will never
be able to do it on your own’. Anyway I observed what he did & put the
details here so that others do not have to face the same situation.
Since my universal
remote was programmed with my old tv I had to reset the remote first.
1. Press
and hold OK and Red button on your Airtel Universal Remote for a few seconds.
The LED will blink twice.
2. Release
the buttons and press number buttons 9, 8 and 0 one by one quickly.
3. The
LED will again blink twice and it'll reset the universal remote to factory
After this you can get down to programming the
universal remote to pair with your new TV remote.
Digital TV universal remotes allow you to program following 5 buttons
- Power (TV On/Off)
- Volume Up
- Volume Down
- Mute
- TV Source (AV, HDMI, etc)
To setup Airtel Digital TV universal remote. You will have to follow
separately, the setup for each of the 5 functions mentioned above.
First you will have to switch your DTH universal
remote into ‘learning mode’.
Press OK button and number ‘2’ button
simultaneously on your universal remote for a few seconds. The LED on your
remote will blink twice which means the remote is in learning mode now.
For Power (TV

Now place
the universal remote and your TV remote in front of each other i.e. their LEDs
should face each other. Make sure the distance between both remote LEDs must be
between 3-6 cms. Then
press the ‘Power’ button on your TV
remote. The LED on your universal remote will again blink twice which means the
button has been programmed successfully. Press ‘OK’ to save the changes. The
LED on universal remote will blink twice. If the light blinks 4 times, it means
the button programming was not completed and you'll need to follow the above
steps again.
Volume Up.
Let the
remotes continue to face each other. Now place the universal remote and your TV
remote in front of each other i.e. their LEDs should face each other. Make sure
the distance between both remote LEDs must be between 3-6 cms. Then press the ‘Volume Up’
button on
your TV remote. The LED on your universal remote will again blink twice which
means the button has been programmed successfully. Press ‘OK’ to save the changes. The
LED on universal remote will blink twice. If the light blinks 4 times, it means
the button programming was not completed and you'll need to follow the above
steps again.
Volume Down.

Let the
remotes continue to face each other. Now place the universal remote and your TV
remote in front of each other i.e. their LEDs should face each other. Make sure
the distance between both remote LEDs must be between 3-6 cms. Then press the ‘Volume Down’ button
your TV remote. The LED on your universal remote will again blink twice which
means the button has been programmed successfully. Press ‘OK’ to save the changes.
The LED on universal remote will blink twice. If the light blinks 4 times, it
means the button programming was not completed and you'll need to follow the
above steps again.
Let the
remotes continue to face each other. Now place the universal remote and your TV
remote in front of each other i.e. their LEDs should face each other. Make sure
the distance between both remote LEDs must be between 3-6 cms. Then press the ‘Mute’ button
your TV remote. The LED on your universal remote will again blink twice which
means the button has been programmed successfully. Press ‘OK’ to save the changes.
The LED on universal remote will blink twice. If the light blinks 4 times, it
means the button programming was not completed and you'll need to follow the
above steps again.
I have been following your blog for quite a long time & this new article is indeed very nicely done with step by step instructions & is very useful.. I have personally tried your guide & everything is going pretty smooth.
Thank You
This post has come at the right time for me. Just finished my festive shopping one of which was a LG tv. I followed this & got everything working. So I could avoid your experience. Thanks once again. :D
Very nicely explained!
Recently I replaced my CRT with LED TV. The volume controls which was working well my CRT stopped working. Just after resetting the universal remote it started working with my new Samsung LED Tv.Thanks for the nice blog.
well i m havingh trouble configuring my airtel digitaltv remote, when m trying to reset it fo default by pressing the keys you`ve mentioned the led light ponly blinks once and never again even if i hold they keys for longer then a minute , same thing is happenin when i try to configure remote in learning mode , the led light just doesn`t blink more then once on the remote ??
please help
Probably you should change battery and try again. Also take care that the 2 remote are facing each other head on. U need to press only for 3 seconds and it would work if it has to.
I am able to program all buttons except for the input mode. I tried programming input button on LG tv with A/V button on aritel remote, but that doesn't work.
Please let me know if it is possible to use airtel remote for selecting the input mode (AV/HDMI1/HDMI2) etc.
nice post!. I tried this and it works till the time TV and set top box are ON. Once I switch off the TV and STB i cannot use universal remote for TV's function. It seems the learnings are not getting saved inside univesal remote. What should be going wrong?
How to program "source" button of Samsung tv to a/v button in Airtel DTH remote
where can find the Airtel Digital TV Channel List... Please Sir...Thanks in advance
Sync'ing TV remote with my Airtel DTH remote worked well.
But i am not sure how to switch the functioning of those buttons between TV and DTH.
I fail to set power on/off & av, but I set mute, up/down volume successfully.
I fail to set power on/off & av, but I set mute, up/down volume successfully.
How to setup for RF remotes, VU tv comes with Radio Frequency Remote, it does not have IR sensor. ?
I have tried for power on off button but some problem. After going in learning mode when i press tv remote on button airtel remote led blinks twice but after pressing ok led does not blink.
Pls help me.
i am planning to buy airtel dth with univerasal remote but quetion raised in my mind is if remote have single button to turn on/off,volume for tv as well as dth box who will receive the remote signal if tv and ST box near to each other...?
The idea of a universal remote is to control BOTH tv & STB with ONE remote.If you notice the first pic, the button outlined in red is the on/off switch for the tv the button to its right is the on/off switch for the DTH STB. Vol button is for controlling the of the tv
This is very useful....
We can copy any function of any remote(not only TV) to Airtel remote. For eg. If you like to add any buttons like TV power, ac power, home theatre power, or any buttons that you can copy ... but maximum 5 buttons only we can I am using that 5 button as 1. My TV power, 2. Home theatre power, 3. Ac power, 4. Ac up , 5. Ac down. If someone lost or damage any remote control of any devices, you can download universal remote from play store if you have phone or tablet with ir blaster ( Samsung Note 3, note 4, etc.).. and copy any button of any device to Airtel dth remote... but only you can copy maximum 5 buttons to Airtel dth remote..
Very useful and clearly mentioned.i have successfully done it.
Very useful and clearly mentioned.i have successfully done it.
Wow.... Its amazing trick... Its tottaly work.. Thank u.. So much for this...
While trying to reset airtel dth remote, when i press 9, 8 its ok but when i press 0 light blinks 4 times.. So the reset of remote failed.. Please help me for the same.. Thanks
Thanks for the information. It's working absolutely fine.
I have done the set up of remote. But, facing an issue. When I switched off the set top box i.e. no power supply and switch it again, volume comes to zero. And, Airtel remote do not work as now it is patched with TV.
Please let me know how to get rid of this?
Thank you
I matched airtel dth & tv remote perfectly but the volume for airtel dth is not working
Yes same problem
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TV Remotes for PHILIPS Television
Remote viewing is the ability to 'see' a target site some distance away from vizio tv remote not working the viewer, or the percipient. Its usage has been researched extensively and is discussed here.
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